Gyllene & Grundande Insikter under tider av Smärtsam Förändring


Ja, jag vet att jag har sagt att jag skulle blogga om min upplevelse av att resa till Colombia post-covid och efter 8 år sedan senaste vistelsen... Men innan jag börjar med den härliga serien så tänkte jag dela med mig utav en insikt som jag fick nyligen och som jag erfar att många i dessa tider mår bra av att bli påminda om, för den sanningen finns allt för ofta djupt begravd inom oss. Att möta motstånd och tvingas till förändring i relationernas sfär kan innebära mycket smärta och växtvärk. Vi tvingas att återigen möta oss själva, vår sanning och vår djupaste essens för att handskas med det hela. Hur tar vi oss igenom separation och förändring för att komma ut ur det hela både starkare och mer ödmjuka än innan? Jag tror att det kan hjälpa många att höra om denna min insikt, så dela gärna inlägget om ni finner den hjälpsam. 

En dag frågade jag Guden/Gudinnan inom mig:

Vem är du?!

Jag hade precis gått igenom ännu en smärtsam skenbar separation inom en kreativ grupp som jag tyckte och fortfarande tycker väldigt mycket om.

Detta är svaret som jag fick: 

God is the Supreme Creator. God creats the maximum and finest beauty, health, wisdom, creativity and splendorous grandeur in each and every moment, meeting and in each new tomorrow.

     Sometimes this Great Power  has to break and rearrange current constellations of creativity because the Flow in them just isn't serving the greatest good or the members of these constellations any longer in a satisfactory manner. The process of growth from one constellation to another often causes much pain, especially when the actual announcement of separation occurs and that is because one or some of the members in the relationship don't see the benefit right away. But once the tears have been allowed to flow and sink in to the ardent earth of the members hearts and minds and all of their feelings thus are acknowledged, a radiant rainbow does appear above them all. As long as their intentions are pure and positive, they all of a sudden find that they are in the process of freeing themselves of the tight scenario. A new door is then opened and they can then see the Golden Possibility of life-bringing change. In the best, most Divine and fruitful of cases the best, most caring and Awe-inspiring parts of the relationship/union is kept and strengthened. New constellations are also now allowed to be formed, in order for these to flower and be explored, for the highest and most Loving Dream to be reached and made conscious, forming a brand new and vibrant reality of magical movement. 

    To reach this magical momentum of change for the better, the participants of the constellations need to be strong, remain connected to the Source of all, wich is Love and Good intention, unattached to any superficial outcome. What really is happening can be likened to the rearrangement of Gods furniture in hes great house, in order for her members to be able to move and get along better  This all just tactics designed to allow everybody to work more efficiently toward their Godly Goals. 

 In other cases, not as positive, the members let themselves be griped by fear and much creative energy and potential is lost. But God is always calling from deep inside of us and the answers to all the questions that we need to hear and see are just a meditative pondering away. Help from friends can also always be sought and found since mercy emerging from the most divine and unbiased heart is and always will remain God's strongest life-line. 
